04.09.18 > 14.10.18
Alix - Veni, Vidi, Vici
Giorgio Albertini and David B., Editions Casterman
Giorgio Albertini and David B. © Daniel Fouss/Comics Art Museum
Alix - "Veni, Vidi, Vici" © Daniel Fouss/Comics Art Museum
Alix - "Veni, Vidi, Vici" David B. and Giorgio Albertini, Eds. Casterman
There are two very good reasons for exhibiting the 37th Alix comic book in the Museum Gallery. Firstly, it is the 70th anniversary of this legendary Franco-Belgian comic strip series. The original author who created the series was French but studied and lived in Belgium where his work has always been published throughout his life starting from the end of the war. Secondly, the arrival on the scene of a completely unexpected duo of authors: the scriptwriter, David B., the ingenious writer of introspective graphic novels created in an expressionist and stylised style; and the graphic artist, Giorgio Albertini, the medieval historian and scientific illustrator, who has also written the script of the series ‘Chronosquad’ published by Delcourt.
‘Veni, Vidi, Vici’ revisits the charming clear line style of drawing initially used, whilst also ensuring a certain constancy in the storyline of the series, with Alix always playing the role of friend and advisor to Jules Caesar…
Jean-Claude De la Royère, Comics Art Museum
In what context did Jules Caesar ever utter the famous phrase “Veni, vidi, vici”? You will certainly find out in Alix’s latest adventure!
The story is set in 46 BC, at a pivotal time in Classical Antiquity when Caesar decided to impose the Julian calendar upon the world. Nicknamed as ‘annus confusionis’, the year exceptionally lasts 445 days and brings the most ancient of superstitions back to the surface. Some time after Pompey’s assassination, Alix meets his archenemy, Arbaces, in Asia Minor, where the latter is hatching a new plot to topple Caesar… Will Alix manage to thwart it?
David B., who has a passion for history (he has written, for example, L’Ascension du Haut-mal and La Lecture des ruines) has devised an epic story for the archaeological illustrator Giorgio Albertini, in a style that ties in with the clear line drawings introduced by Jacques Martin in L’Île maudite and La Tiare d’Oribal. The latter two works are legendary comic books which have so enchanted them in their childhood.
David B. comments: “Giorgio Albertini and I have had a passion for history and comic strip art since our early childhood. We have therefore always been fascinated with the comic books in which Jacques Martin managed to conjure up the main themes of classical tragedies. The adventure of Alix which we are portraying is not in any way a sequel or a prelude to any of those devised by their original creator. It is somewhat like a story that has been forgotten about and later rediscovered in the archives of an old library...”
Benoît Mouchart, Editorial Director for Comic Strip Art at Editions Casterman
With the Support of Brussels-Capital Region